Brushing your dog’s teeth can approach a wild rodeo scene with your dog appreciating it about as much as you did Aunt Sally’s sloppy kisses on Thanksgiving. I must confess that although Raleigh, my Labrador, is an angel and I’ve absolutely no inclination to brush his teeth every day. Hey, I’m happy if I get my own teeth brushed! Milk Bones have claimed to clean dog’s teeth for many years. With all due respect, it’s more akin to flossing with potato chips.
Then again, expensive yearly dentals that require anesthesia are not in the best interest of your purse and any kind of anesthesia is risky. There are non-anesthetic veterinary dental technicians, albeit rare, who will clean your dog’s teeth just like you would get your own teeth cleaned without anesthesia. The gal that works at my practice was a human dental hygienist for many years before she took the veterinary course.
As is so often the case some great natural alternatives for a clean doggie smile exist. Here are a few suggestions:
If tartar build-up has formed on your dog’s teeth, some new products on the market remove tartar naturally. VetzLife Oral Care Spray or Gel softens and eliminates tartar and can reverse oral disease. You just brush it on with a toothbrush or warm washcloth, ideally before bedtime. After a few applications, the softened tartar can be removed with a washcloth. In addition, a product called LEBA III is also very effective in removing and preventing tartar. Both products contain safe herbal extracts. If your dog seems to build up tartar like nobody’s business, there’s a homeopathic remedy, called Fragaria, that may solve the problem. Purchase it from a homeopathic pharmacy as Fragaria 6x and administer a pellet twice a day for a month.
If you dog does have tartar on his teeth that you want to remove you can try the Vets Life Oral Care Spray or Gel. VetzLIfe Oral Care softens and eliminates tartar and can reverse oral disease. You brush it on with a toothbrush or warm washcloth the best time being before bed. After a few applications the softened tartar can be removed with your fingernail or a warm washcloth. The ingredients, Grapefruit seed extract, Grape seed extract, Thyme oil, Neem oil, Rosemary oil and Peppermint oil are all safe and holistic. LEBA III containing Mints and Roses in the water, is also very, very effective with 100% response in the trials.
A wise dog once said, “A good bone is a good thing.” There’s some deep reasoning behind this old saying. Bones not only taste good and are fun to chew but the process of chewing them stimulates the gums, exercises the jawbone and yes- cleans the teeth! A good bone will provide your dog with hours of pleasure and help ensure his dental health. However, you need to make sure it’s the right kind of bone. I’m talking about the large femur or leg bones and knucklebones from a cow, which are practically impossible to swallow or chip. But you have to watch to see that it doesn’t get too small, and if it does, be sure and exchange it for a new one. hen you find that your dog is eating and enjoying his bones relax and enjoy the fact that his teeth and gums will be all the healthier for it.
Chicken necks, because they’re made from cartilage and cannot splinter, can also be used as a treat for a large dog or as a chew for a tiny dog. These necks are easy to find in the meat section of most supermarkets. You can feed them raw or very lightly broiled.
It’s nice to know you can practice proactive dental care, leave the rodeo scenes to the Westerns and minimize dentals that require anesthesia. There’s another old saying that I think a dog had a part in, it goes,“ Knick-knack, patty-whack…give your dog a bone !” In a dog’s world, that’s a fine way to end a good tale.
Dr. Deva Khalsa, VMD